Roundabout Construction 247th & IFCR


CLIENT: City of Sammamish

PROJECT OWNER: City of Sammamish

START DATE: 08/2019

END DATE: 06/2021

ROLE: Prime Contractor


  • Temporary Stream diversion & reclamation of a sensitive wetland mitigation area 
  • Mass excavation of more than 30,000 CY
  • Construction of a multi-span pre-stressed concrete girder bridge constructed over a sensitive wetland area
  • staged construction sequence requiring extensive traffic control planning and execution including shifting of traffic, construction of temporary roundabouts, implementation of detailed detour plan(s)
  • multi-year construction schedule requiring extensive coordination with the community, third party utility purveyors, adjacent church, and middle school
  • temporary shoring for construction of bridge
  • improved access to adjacent middle school which includes ADA Ramp, stairs, and traffic signal system
  • installation of more than 10,000 LF of various depth and size storm drainage pipe
  • Construction of 17,000 SF of Structural Earth Walls
  • Construction of 300 LF of 8 FT and 420 LF of 10 FT diameter shafts for bridge foundation
  • Placement of approximately 500,000 LBS of various types of steel reinforcing bar
  • Construction of more than 1,500 LF of various types of CIP Barrier
  • Placement of over 15,000 TN of HMA pavement